Computer Karaoke tools

Computer Karaoke tools

23. 07. 2013 Off Di

Full-featured, yet easy to use karaoke computer player from Power Karaoke lets you sing favorite lyrics at your home PC. Our company is here to deliver you complete computer karaoke solution with the ability to copy karaoke discs onto your hard drive for storing, play karaoke (CD+G)/(MP3G) files directly from your hard drive, make custom discs of any songs in your collection, create play lists that you can navigate though with simple keyboard commands and more other options. Video karaoke software allows to remove vocals and lyrics from your favorite songs by using either your music downloaded files or imported original music CD tracks. Get the freedom to run fascinating karaoke shows from your own computer by using our karaoke computer player software. Power Karaoke lets you discover the professional quality karaoke atmosphere and opportunity of singing at home anytime with family or friends. Computer karaoke software products are an excellent choice for those who are thinking of holding creative party, impressing guests or just getting some portion of enjoyment every single day. Find out more at


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